Monday, June 9, 2008

So this is my first day of summer break (this is Danny). I woke up this morning hearing Amelia talk about how bad TV and computers are for kids. I researched a little on-line about using computers in the classroom. I came to the conclusion that the truth must lie somewhere in the middle. Amelia then spouted about 10 more facts all containing percentages (I half believe that she is making them up on the fly). One of them was to the effect that 4 year olds only comprehend like "5%" of what they watch (shows designed for them) and that it really only provides a hypnotic effect. At that moment Addie was watching "Arthur" on PBS. I asked her about the show. "What's going on? I don't know. What are they doing? I don't know." This went on for a couple of minutes without any success. So I guess I am somewhat of a believer. Then only a minute later I snag a couple of pictures of their breakfast. Yes that is "Rainbow Lemon Sunrise." I guess I am left with confusion.


Rachel H said...

Danny- I am sure you are aware that in the Larson family... dessert for breakfast is totally fine. I mean- there were eggs and milk used to make that cake- right? And it HAS lemons near it... so that's like fruit for breakfast... kinda. Totally acceptable.
But although I know that TV is probably as bad as Amel says... I just can't help thinking about all the crazy Disney movies we were raised on and - well we turned out ok- right?

The Cochran Family said...

Yummy! Can I have some! I'm sure that eating cake for breakfast and carttons are a sure fire way ruin your kids...I guess thats what's wrong with this generation!

Chapman Channel said...

hee hee-- I love hearing commentary from danny! I knew those stats were partially "made-up" haha Amelia was just trying to use scare tactics on me becuse she knows that Oliver watches like five hours of tv on any given day....give or take a few hours. What on earth were they eating??? I couldn't tell in te pic.

Amelia said...

This is Amelia...we were eating some delicious cake for breakfast. I dont' know why but I always DOWN the sugar in the morning. I can eat like a whole gallon of icecream before 10 am. The true heart of an obese woman!

Rachel H said...

AMELIA!!!! hahah & danny? that is way funny...i can totally picture addy & danny's convo. ps-EVA IS THE CUTEST BABY EVER...ahhhh haha :-) <3 Natalie!