I've fallen off the boat writing on my blog on tuesdays.
We had a good time celebratin' and I had a really funny picture of all the MEAT at this picnic that was enough to make your stomach turn. This was the picnic of all meat lovers picnics. Oh and here is a picture of Addie with our first salad of the year from our garden.
Mark my words Lilia and Eva will be best friends for liFE! they are so cute together I can just see them being old women together rocking in rocking chairs.
I love the pics--I think they will be seriously cute old ladies, too :)
That is a friendship made in heaven!
How long was that so-called "streak" again?
And I agree. Lillia and Eva are the cutest pair EVER. I can totally see them having thier husbands die of old age and them being roommates together.
We're morbid predicting their future spouses death but..don't we all secretly believe our husbands will croak and all of us sisters will live in a condo on the beach together?
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